3D Design Bureau

DCC Approves Major Expansion for Clayton Hotel in Dublin 2 March, 2024

The Dalata Hotel Group has been granted planning permission by the Dublin City Council (DCC) for a major expansion at their Clayton Hotel site on Cardiff Lane. The project aims to enhance the hotel’s capacity and services.

3D View of view colour guide for daylight and sunlight assessment
Major ‘Florian’ Office Development Receives Approval in Dublin 2 February, 2024

Dublin City Council’s (DCC) decision to grant planning permission for a new office development, in Adelaide Road, Dublin 2, has been granted.

Image from daylight and sunlight assessment which shows outline of the proposed development in Dublin
The Wayfinding Centre: A Revolutionary New Training Facility for People with Disabilities February, 2024

The Botanic Business Centre site in Glasnevin, Dublin 9 is the site of an exciting new development. The Wayfinding Centre is a mobility transport training facility designed to help people with disabilities gain confidence in navigating multiple modes of public transport, ultimately improving their quality of life and independence.

Computer generated imagery of the proposed training hub in Glasnevin
Works have started on a new large-scale residential development in Lusk February, 2024

Plans have been submitted by Dwyer Nolan Developments Limited to Fingal County Council for a proposed large residential development on Minister’s Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin. The proposal aims to provide a variety of housing options for families and individuals in the area.

Architectural computer generated imagery of the proposed development in Lusk
Work is well underway on Kilbride Lodge Apartment Development, in Castleknock January, 2024

The construction of the new luxury 25-unit apartment development at Castleknock Road, Dublin, continues. Developed by Castleshore Investments Limited, the project received the green light from An Bord Pleanála at the end of 2020.

Computer generated imagery of the proposed development in Kilbride Lodge, Castleknock
Construction Commences on New €19m Mariner’s Point in Wicklow January, 2024

Construction has started on the new 74-unit housing development at Mariner’s Point, located on Greenhills Road in County Wicklow. This residential project, being developed by Ardale, received planning permission from Wicklow County Council at the start of 2023.

Computer generated imagery of the proposed Mariner’s Point development in Wicklow

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The Growth of ‘Hybrid Reality’ Viewings in the Property Market

Hybrid tours are a combination or merging of real spaces and renders, where both can co-exist and interact within a virtual tour. Users have the ability to navigate through the real and virtual world at the same time.

Potential Upcoming Changes to Daylight & Sunlight Guidelines & Standards

A Daylight & Sunlight Assessment is a detailed technical analysis that evaluates the potential impact
on daylight, sunlight and overshadowing by a proposed development.

Model Used for Shadow Study
Presentation CGIs & Photomontages: For Design Decisions, Planning Approval & Marketing

Presentation CGIs and photomontages are used throughout the lifecycle of a project from the early design stage of a project through the planning phase and finally to secure pre-sales and market a new development.

Presentation CGIs & Photomontages: For Design Decisions Planning Approval & Marketing
Help Secure Planning with Verified View Montages

Verified view montages are produced to provide stakeholders, design teams and planning authorities with a technically accurate and photorealistic view of a scheme in its intended location.

Verfied view montage accurately illustrating the visual impact that a proposed development may have.
An Expert Guide To Daylight and Sunlight Assessments

If you’re a property developer, architect or Irish planning consultant, you should be aware that it is now industry standard to include daylight & sunlight reports as part of a planning application to local authorities or to An Bord Pleanála.

Former Hibernian Bank on College Green, Dublin

Originally this Bank opened as the Union Bank in 1867 with only four bays on College Green and two on Church Lane. It was designed by William Murray who also designed the Provincial Bank on College Street.

H&M occipies Former Hibernian Bank on 24-27 College Green, Dublin

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